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Unread post by Phoenix_Flaming_Star »

Zimian Clans
These five clans are a part of the Zimian government in that their leaders make up the Council, which is the Zimian ruling body.

Morelle Noire - They are known for their thirst for power and strength. They are willing to do whatever it takes to get their way, often using manipulation and coercion. Despite this, they have a strong sense of loyalty. They're willing to put their lives at risk for the advancement of their leaders' plans.

Voros Skorpio - They are rumored to have powers beyond those of the average Zimian. They often seek to shape the world into their own image and to take control of any situation for their own gain. They have little regard for the other species. They have a unique blend of physical and mental abilities and mastery of the dark arts. They are often in pursuit of knowledge and power.

Mortes Aileni - Their clan is very secretive. It is believed they have the deepest and darkest secrets, gaining knowledge throughout Zuria. It is said they have the power of foresight and can manipulate events to serve their own goals. They have no respect for human life and will do whatever it takes to increase their power and influence over the other species. However, they do possess a strong moral code and will never break it.

Luna Rossa - They have a deep-seated distrust of the other species. They prefer to exist in the shadows and will rarely reveal their true identities. They have a strong connection to nature and the supernatural, often relying on instinct and intuition to guide them. They are highly independent and prefer solitude to social interaction, valuing privacy and solitude above all else. They tend to employ a more powerful and subtle form of manipulation than most and are not afraid to use their powers. They seek freedom and self-determination and will go to whatever lengths necessary to protect these ideals.

Zatmil Vaai - They are a tight-knit group of Zimian. Their strength often lies in their unity. They actively avoid the mortal world. They prefer the darkness of the night and rely on their strength, stealth, and abilities to gain what they need. They often revel in death and destruction, terrorizing towns and taking what they wish. Despite this, they have a strong sense of loyalty and will never turn on one another. They are capable of extreme loyalty and devotion and will never break their bond.
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Re: Factions

Unread post by Phoenix_Flaming_Star »

Veavine Tribes
Veavine tribes are female-centered groups of Veavine. Each is named after their founding Queen. (The founding Queen's last name is the Tribe's name.) Yes, conflict between tribes can happen.
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