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What is Zuria?

All information about our RP is located here. If you have any questions, please ask staff.
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What is Zuria?

Unread post by Phoenix_Flaming_Star »

Zuria is an original high fantasy, writing-focused roleplay. We don't use dice or any complex character stat sheets. We focus more on story telling.

Zuria is the planet that all this takes place on.

Our setting is high fantasy. Characters don't use modern technology and are not in a modern setting. If you want to send a message to someone on the other side of the continent, your character would write on parchment and send it via a trained flying creature, a courier, or maybe a magical way.

We have 10 playable species. You can check them out here: viewtopic.php?t=4

So, if this interests you, you are welcome to join us.*

*Please keep in mind that we are currently in the development and testing stages. We are not currently ready for casual players.
If you have questions, please ask. We're here to help!
Our rules: viewtopic.php?p=8#p8 Please report any rule breaking to Staff immediately.
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