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Playable Species

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Playable Species

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Species Origin
Humans are one of the oldest species on Zuria. Over the centuries they've evolved from the Khalian, losing their pointed ears and being shorter in stature. They were seen as 'ugly' by the Khalian and were eventually banished from their society. Thus the newly named Humans developed a rocky relationship with the Khalian.

General Physical Appearance
Pale skin to dark skin, mostly hairless, bipedalism

Humans live to about 100 years.

General Personality Traits
Most are hard-working, brave, creative, passionate, and ambitious.

They are ruled by a monarchy.

Law and Order
Minor offenses have a lighter punishment than severe offenses.

They live in a class system of Royals, Nobles, Merchants, and Peasants. Royals and Nobles tend to have a more comfortable lifestyle than Merchants and Peasants.

Long Distance Travel
They take boats, carriages, and horseback.

The Peasants tend to be self taught and have basic farming and survival skills.
The Merchants are a bit more well off in that they have learned a skill that they can profit from. (Smithing, painting, crafting, etc..)
The Nobles have a better education and tend to have more privileged employment.
The Royals have the best education gold can buy.

Some believe in a sky god that influences their lives on a daily basis.

Relationship Between Other Species
Friendly: Zimian
Neutral: Veavine, Strunae, Noczurine, Quedine, Shakpir, Zulpal, Ocilea
Enemies: Khalian
The humans have never really been on good terms with the Khalian.

General Information
Their buildings are in the romanesque medieval style.
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Re: Playable Species

Unread post by Phoenix_Flaming_Star »

Khalian (ka-lee-in)

Species Origin
The Khalian are one of the oldest species on Zuria. Their origin has been lost to the ages. Over the centuries they have had many conflicts with their oldest enemies, the humans. As the centuries passed, their presence on Zuria has only grown. In current times, they hold the most power on Zuria. They’ve held this power for the last few centuries. They also have the largest army of all the species on Zuria.

General Physical Appearance
On average, they are two feet taller than a normal human. They have pale white skin with long pointed ears and slanted, cat-like eyes. Most have a slender but muscular figure.

They live a long 700 years. They are the longest living species on Zuria.

General Personality Traits
Most have a prominent sense of superiority and arrogance over the other species. This is due to them having absolute power for so long. They also tend to be very charismatic.

The Khalian have a Monarchy with both the High King and High Queen both being joint rulers. They have a Royal council whom helps them govern, but the High King and Queen make the final decisions.

Law and Order
There is a seemingly endless amount of Royal Guard spread throughout their territory. If a law is broken, the offender is quickly captured and put into prison. Soon, they are brought before the council and High King and Queen to decide if they should be punished. Depending on the severity of the offense, they could get off with a warning, spend more time in jail, be forced into hard labor for a period of time, or receive the death penalty. (Characters can't die without permission so, they'd better have a really good escape plan. // Khalian tend to take security very seriously.)

Most men tend to take more warrior roles, but women are certainly welcome to as well. Women tend to lean more on magic when it comes to combat, but some do wield weapons.

Long Distance Travel
The magic users of their society have set up a network of portals that they commonly use for long distance travel. Otherwise, they ride horses or take carriages.

They have an education system for their young. Teaching them basic survival skills, hunting, combat, farming, building, basically the skills to keep their society flourishing.

Some Khalian believe that there is a cosmic being that gifted them their use of magic. Some magic users worship it.

Relationship Between Other Species
Friendly: Zimian
Neutral: Veavine, Shakpir, Zulpal, Ocilea, Strunae, Noczurine, Quedine
Enemies: Humans

General Information
The Royal Family lives just outside the city of Thyahone on the continent Naupela. The Khalian currently are the dominating species of the world. They are in charge, even above humans.
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Re: Playable Species

Unread post by Phoenix_Flaming_Star »

Zimian (zim-ee-in)

Species Origin
Centuries ago, a few Khalian discovered a book on the banned and long forgotten Blood Magic while in their archives. They began playing around with it in secret. Soon they discovered a terrible side effect. Their skin began to turn pale and they started to feel physically weak and sluggish. Others encouraged them to eat but their normal food had no effect on them, that hunger was still there. They craved blood.
A few short weeks later, these cursed Khalian began staying out of the sun. Going out into the sun quickly gave them horrible sunburns. Sunscreen had no effect. It was as if their skin refused to absorb the cream.
A short time later, a massacre had taken place in the dead of night. The small group of cursed Khalian was quickly discovered. Their sentence was banishment. The small group went to the northern part of Ebist and established a safe haven. They then shed their Khalian name and called themselves the Zimian. Their kind have been living there ever since. Over the centuries, they've built up their society to what it is today.

General Physical Appearance
Very attractive to normal humans. Ears are smaller and not as prominently pointed as a normal Khalian. Pale white skin. Most like to dress in the style of Gothic 1800s Britain. A common feature is their alluring and hypnotic red eyes.

Zimian can live for centuries provided they have blood. They don't seem to age, however, they do age extremely slowly. For every twenty years that pass by for a human, the Zimian only physically ages by one year.

General Personality Traits
They tend to be very well mannered and charismatic, portraying themselves as a high level of society, but this is only for appearances. On the other hand, they can be cold, persuasive, and manipulative hunters. They are such master manipulators that over the centuries, they've become friendly with most of the other species.

There are 5 clans in their society. Each leader of the clan is in the Council, which is the ruling body of their species.

Morelle Noire - They are known for their thirst for power and strength. They are willing to do whatever it takes to get their way, often using manipulation and coercion. Despite this, they have a strong sense of loyalty. They're willing to put their lives at risk for the advancement of their leaders' plans.

Voros Skorpio - They are rumored to have powers beyond those of the average Zimian. They often seek to shape the world into their own image and to take control of any situation for their own gain. They have little regard for the other species. They have a unique blend of physical and mental abilities and mastery of the dark arts. They are often in pursuit of knowledge and power.

Mortes Aileni - Their clan is very secretive. It is believed they have the deepest and darkest secrets, gaining knowledge throughout Zuria. It is said they have the power of foresight and can manipulate events to serve their own goals. They have no respect for human life and will do whatever it takes to increase their power and influence over the other species. However, they do possess a strong moral code and will never break it.

Luna Rossa - They have a deep-seated distrust of the other species. They prefer to exist in the shadows and will rarely reveal their true identities. They have a strong connection to nature and the supernatural, often relying on instinct and intuition to guide them. They are highly independent and prefer solitude to social interaction, valuing privacy and solitude above all else. They tend to employ a more powerful and subtle form of manipulation than most and are not afraid to use their powers. They seek freedom and self-determination and will go to whatever lengths necessary to protect these ideals.

Zatmil Vaai - They are a tight-knit group of Zimian. Their strength often lies in their unity. They actively avoid the mortal world. They prefer the darkness of the night and rely on their strength, stealth, and abilities to gain what they need. They often revel in death and destruction, terrorizing towns and taking what they wish. Despite this, they have a strong sense of loyalty and will never turn on one another. They are capable of extreme loyalty and devotion and will never break their bond.

Law and Order
Zimian who refuse to conform to their society are considered Outcasts. Other Zimian can hunt them. Outcasts are not allowed shelter or food by anyone in their society. Sheltering an Outcast is against their laws.
The worst punishment a Zimian can face is burning in the sun.

Their buildings and dress style is like Gothic 1800s Britain. They also have a bit of a hierarchy. Once one is turned into a Zimian they are considered family (child, offspring, daughter, son, etc) to the one that bit them. Their old life is dead and gone. Their next step is to go through an initiation into their Clan. Their clan is very much like their family. Loyalty is important for them.

Long Distance Travel
They either travel by horse-pulled carriage or by boat.

Once one has been turned into a Zimian, the one that bit them is responsible to teach them about their new way of life.


Relationship Between Other Species
Friendly: Veavine, Ocilea, Humans, Strunae, Noczurine, Khalian, Shakpir, Zulpal
Neutral: Quedine

General Information
Can see perfectly fine in the dark. Can glide short distances, but takes up a lot of energy. Very strong. Physical feats are much easier for them than normal humans. Uses two long front fangs to puncture skin and drain blood from their victims. However, this is only one way the ZImian feed.

Most Zimian can use blood magic with ease. Other species of Zuria have a very difficult time learning it (they are only able to learn basic blood magic) or can't learn it at all.

The Zimian are generally on good terms with the other races due to them being very manipulative and charismatic, though the Quedine are very suspicious of them as many of them have gone missing or their dead bodies have been discovered with their blood drained.
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Re: Playable Species

Unread post by Phoenix_Flaming_Star »

Quedine (Keh-deen)

Species Origin
In ancient times, a small group of human thieves wanted to get rich quickly. They heard about a diamond called the Eye of Ice located in the northern parts of Ebist. There was a little-known rumor that the gem was cursed. Once it has the touch of a hand, it can't be removed or it and whoever touched it literally melts. This sounded crazy to the thieves and they dismissed the rumor.
They left Naupela and headed out to find the diamond.
The party of thieves soon learned that it was being held by an old man. They traveled to snowy plains of central Ebist where they found a small cabin. They took shelter and found the diamond in the skeletal hand of an old dead man. The leader of the thieves picked up the diamond and kept it on his person.
As the party took a break one night, the man was sweating, yet his men said he was cold to the touch. The bottom of the leather bag he put the diamond in was wet. He realized the diamond was literally melting! The curse was real! The thieves decide that the diamond would keep passing between them on their way home, but they had to make sure it touched their skin in some way to prevent it from melting.
As the thieves made their way back to eastern Naupela, they began to feel warm in the temperate climate. One of the other thieves touched another man's arm and he felt cold to the touch. This didn't make any sense. They were sweating in a temperate climate, yet their bodies were cold. The party decided they had to go back to Ebist.
Once in Ebist, they continued south to a more centralized, snowy plains area. They set up camp. There were many attempts to go back to Naupela but by then it was too late, the cursed diamond had done its job.
Since they could no longer live in temperate climates, the humans decided to make that part of the snowy plains of Ebist their home.
As the generations went on, their bodies changed. Their hair all went from various colors to white. Their eyes all became a different shade of blue and their ears became pointed. They decided to no longer call themselves humans. Instead, they were the Quedine.

General Physical Appearance
Everyone has white hair and their eyes are different shades of blue. They all have pointed ears.

500 years

General Personality Traits
They are well-mannered but are not push-overs. They generally treat others with respect.

They have a Monarchy, and are ruled over by one ruler. The rulers' spouse does not hold the same power.

Law and Order
The worst punishment for a Quedine is to be banished to a temperate or warmer climate. Their bodies can't survive.

They are helpful and hard-working. When faced with conflict, they tend to face it, putting logic and strategy first.

Long Distance Travel
They ride on Iziret. Iziret resemble large snow owls, but they have small antlers and one-inch claws at the end of each feather on their wings and tail feathers.

They learn survival skills from their parents.

Some Quedine have created a religion around the diamond. They keep it safe.

Relationship Between Other Species
Friendly: Ocilea
Neutral: Veavine, Strunae, Noczurine, Shakpir, Khalian, Zimian
Enemies: Zulpal

General Information
32 degrees feels like high 90 degree weather for them. They start feeling the cold at -32 degrees. The Zimian tend to see them as easy targets during the dark months.

Notes: Lives on the southernmost continent called Ebist, where it's cold, snowy, and sunlight is rare. They all must have a piece of the magical diamond on their person (skin contact) or they literally melt and die.
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Re: Playable Species

Unread post by Phoenix_Flaming_Star »

Strunae (stroo-nay)

Species Origin
Centuries ago, a small village of humans had hunted the Uvin to near extinction. The mythical Xadrin saw this horrible tragedy and decided to act. One night, as the village slept, the Xadrin flew over the village and cursed its people. As the weeks went by, the people in the village began to morph into a humanoid horse-like species. Their lower half turned into the body of a horse, while their upper half remained the same torso, head, and arms of a man. Not long after, the Zulpal took notice of them and began to plot to take the men as slave mounts. Today, the Zulpal have all but succeeded in their plan. Hence why the Strunae are so cautious of outsiders.

General Physical Appearance
A humanoid horse-like species. Their lower half is the body of a horse, while the upper half is the torso, head, and arms of a man. Their average height is 5.5ft.

The Strunae can live up to 110 years.

General Personality Traits
They are generally guarded. They don't trust easily.

What's left of their small group is united under one leader.

Law and Order
Guests must be registered or risk being arrested. If laws are broken, the punishment is generally harsh due to their untrustworthy nature.

Most of the Strunaes' adult male population have been taken into slavery by the Zulpal. Due to this, they see the Zulpal as their enemy. Their society resembles the early Settlers. Everyone helps out when they can, even the kids. However, they are not very trustworthy of outsiders. Women tend to raise children, garden and generally do most of the domestic work. The few men that are left help to protect their village.

Long Distance Travel
Their strong legs can carry them far distances. They are not good swimmers and must take a boat. Flight is impossible for them.

Young Strunae learn from their family from a young age. The young kids help out with the simple domestic work, while the older kids tend to do more difficult work for their parents. Their parents teach them about the world. They do have to attend classes that teaches them to survive and learn combat skills

Some Strunae worship their ancestors and believe that helping out the family and community will bring honor to themselves.

Relationship Between Other Species
Friendly: Zimian
Neutral: Veavine, Noczurine, Quedine, Shakpir, Ocilea, Khalian
Enemies: Zulpal

General Information
Most of the males are currently enslaved by the Zulpal as normal mounts and war mounts. They treat them like normal horses with the added bonus of having them carry weapons and tools in their hands. (Talking back is met with severe punishment, as "horses" don't talk.) The Strunae find their situation humiliating.
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Re: Playable Species

Unread post by Phoenix_Flaming_Star »

Noczurine (knock-zer-een)

Species Origin
Centuries ago, a group of religious Khalian were fed up with the way they were living. They wanted to overthrow the royal family and mold their government into their own vision.
The Wyvern, whom the religious rebels named Kastara, watched them for a time before it appeared to the small group and offered its help. Soon an agreement was reached. Kastara would help them in their rebellion by blessing them with magic use, in exchange for their worship. The attack on the royal household commenced shortly after. Kastara destroyed most of the Palace as the rebels attacked. However, the rebels’ efforts were quickly snuffed out by the royal guard. Most of the royal family had died in the wyvern attack including the Queen. The King and one of his heirs survived. As punishment for their rebellion, the rebel leaders were executed. As for the rest of the rebels, they were magically cursed and banished. They would forever live away from Khalian society. The curse changed their physical appearance from a beautiful cream white to an ugly dark grey skin tone with red eyes. The rebels were then driven underground and out of Khalian society, where they rebuilt over the years. They still live underground to this day and most still worship Kastara, going so far as to name their magic after her.

General Physical Appearance
Near human with dark grey-black skin, black hair, long vertically pointed ears, and red eyes. Most are slim but muscular. Average height is about a foot taller than that of a human. They can naturally see well in the dark. They prefer dark places to live like caves or underground gorges. They can go into sunlight but most don't prefer it. They tend to not socialize outside their species.

Noczurine live about 170 years.

General Personality Traits
They're more guarded and private. They generally only trust other Noczurine.

They have a democracy.

Law and Order
Criminals will have a trial and if they are found guilty, they must serve time. More severe crimes may be punishable by death by being shoved down the deep pit in between the cavern walls.

Most worship the Wyvern as a god and have formed a religion

Long Distance Travel
Some Noczurine tame large, furry mole-like creatures called a Nugsin that can dig tunnels at up to 15mph to get around quickly underground. The rider sits on a covered saddle to help protect them while the Nugsin is digging its tunnels. The Nugsin has long forelimbs with long sharp claws (as hard as metal) that helps them easily dig. Their back limbs are shorter but strong as they are mostly used to move the creature forward. Their belly is hairless, rough, and thick to prevent injury from sharp rocks while digging. Their snout is a bit more pointed to help with easily moving through the tunnels they dig. Females are a little bit smaller than males.

The parents teach their children about their species' history, everyday life, religion, and how to thrive while living underground.

Most worship the mythical Wyvern as a god and have formed a religion around it.

Relationship Between Other Species
Friendly: Zimian
Neutral: Veavine, Strunae, Quedine, Shakpir, Ocilea, Khalian,
Enemies: Zulpal, Khalian

General Information
Most tend to live in the city of Nalenas, which is located on Tekrith. It's a massive underground gorge. Many bridges on different levels connect each side. A huge network of underground caves spread outward from the gorge. Keep to themselves and tend not to mingle with the other species. Some mistake them for Zimian. They find this offensive.

The Nugsin was inspired by the Rollrat from the game Ark: Survival Evolved. (No copyright infringement intended! Seriously. The Nugsin is intended to be a completely different creature in a completely different universe! I hope I accomplished this.)
It digs well but it is unable to roll like a rollrat. It's spine isn't as flexible.))
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Re: Playable Species

Unread post by Phoenix_Flaming_Star »

Shakpir (Shack-peer)

Species Origin
The Shakpir started out as human a few centuries ago. A small hunting group was out in the woods one day when they came across the mythical Xadrin. The winged horse-like creature was caught in a trap and was too weak to fly. The humans slowly approached the animal. It just watched, not making any moves. The humans freed the Xadrin from the trap. It's horn started to glow, as its wound healed. The Xadrin was so grateful, that it bestowed a gift onto the hunters. It then flew off and disappeared.
Once back at their village, no one believed their story and thought the group had gone mad. They were locked away. Some days later, their backs began to feel sore. They begged the guards for some medical treatments but their pleas fell on deaf ears. As time went on, they soon realized they were growing wings. The group kept this between themselves. However, the guards soon discovered their secret. They were driven out of town and labeled as freaks.
As the years passed, they built their own city away from the humans. However, this still didn't stop their city from being attacked from others. One day, a rather eccentric man had a brilliant idea. In order to stop their city from being raided and destroyed all the time, they had to go up. Their city had to fly. The others thought this guy was crazy but it just might work. They set off, building a steampunk-like city that could fly using some metals from the planet that naturally repels the planets magnetic field. Eventually, the newly named Shakpir, completed their goal, and their city had launched into the sky high above the planet of Zuria where it floats along to this day.

General Physical Appearance
The Shakpir are near human with very lightly tinted skin in shades of yellow that's barely noticeable. They have large, natural bird-like wings growing from their backs that can be in various shades of yellow. They also have yellow glowing eyes.

They generally live as long as humans do, about 100 years.

General Personality Traits
In general the population of the Shakpir are smart, witty, and are generally well mannered. They seek knowledge. Some are a bit eccentric.

None, they rule as a collective. They don't want to be ruled over.

Law and Order
Clipping their wings makes them unable to naturally fly. It's one of the worst punishments they can receive. Otherwise, the offender is judged by the community.

The Shakpir are hard workers and do their best to support the needs of their community. Everyone contributes to the wellbeing of their community however they can.

Long Distance Travel
The Shakpir don't have the strength in their own wings to make long distance travel, so they use Gryphons to make the long journey. The Gryphons are not considered pets, just long distance transport.

They learn to control the air element though training.


Relationship Between Other Species
Friendly: Zimian
Neutral: Ocilea, Humans, Strunae, Noczurine, Quedine, Khalian, Zulpal
Enemies: Veavine

General Information
Shakpir are one of the 4 elemental species of Zuria.
Humans tend to call them 'Angles'. The Shakpir generally find this offensive.
Their ancestors built their steampunk-like floating city.
Most Shakpir can use air magic with ease. Other species of Zuria have a very difficult time learning it (they are only able to learn basic air magic) or can't learn it at all.
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Re: Playable Species

Unread post by Phoenix_Flaming_Star »

Ocilea (Oh-see-lee-ah)

Species Origin
Centuries ago, a small group of humans had a goal of exploring and mapping the Madageo Ocean. They gained some volunteers who were willing to take on this task. They eventually came up with the idea of using magic to help their volunteers breathe, see, and survive the crushing depths while underwater. The first few exploration attempts were a success, but as time went on, a change began to happen with the volunteers. Their bodies needed more and more water to sustain itself. The volunteers spent more and more time in the water rather than out of it. They even grew to love sea-food. Eventually, the volunteers found it harder and harder to breathe outside of the water. Gills began to form on their necks. Their skin had changed as well. Their skin was smooth while it was surrounded by water, yet turned more leather-like while out of it. One of the most frightening changes happened with their legs. Over time, their legs began to fuse together the more time they spent in the water, like the tail of a dolphin. Eventually it was decided that these volunteers would have to live in the Madageo Ocean permanently. As the centuries passed, the magic became a part of them. They learned to manipulate and control water. Today, these volunteers have built up a society and now call themselves the Ocilea.

General Physical Appearance
They're near human with blue glowing eyes and hair that’s in various shades of blue. Their skin is unique in that, when in the water, it gets very smooth and their legs fuse into a long powerful fin-like tail, making them very fast swimmers. When on land, their tail morphs into a pair of human-like legs, and their skin turns more leathery. They have small gills on either side of their neck that never goes away. They can only naturally breath underwater.

They tend to live about 200 years.

General Personality Traits
They are generally friendly and intelligent, but are not pushovers.

They are ruled by a royal family.

Law and Order
The royal family has guards to protect them. For the general society, they have the Royal Inquisitors that enforce the law.
The worst punishment is being confined to land without their neck band. It is a death sentence for them.

They care about the marine life in the ocean and work to see it thrive. They are generally friendly toward others.

Long Distance Travel
They've trained dolphins to be their long distance travel in the water. When not in the water, they travel by horse or carriage.

They are taught how to use their water abilities from a young age.


Relationship Between Other Species
Friendly: Zimian, Quedine
Neutral: Veavine, Humans, Strunae, Noczurine, Khalian, Shakpir
Enemies: Zulpal

General Information
Ocilea are one of the 4 elemental species of Zuria.
In order to breath while on land, the Ocilea have created a neck band that can hold water around their gills. Over the years, they've changed the style of it to look more jewelry-like and fashionable.
They're commonly called Mermaids. The Ocilea find this offensive.
Most Ocilea can use water magic with ease. Other species of Zuria have a very difficult time learning it (they are only able to learn basic water magic) or can't learn it at all.
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Re: Playable Species

Unread post by Phoenix_Flaming_Star »

Veavine (Vee-vine)

Species Origin
The Veavine first came about when, in ancient times, a small group of humans lived alone in the rainforest. They had been banished and cut off from the rest of the human population due to trying to start a major rebellion. They discovered powerful earth magic from the sap of an old tree. As the centuries passed, the tree died. The magic from the sap seeped into the humans' DNA and slowly changed them into the Veavine. Their Amazon-like way of life came about a few centuries ago when the men grew too aggressive and were suppressing the women. Women were not allowed to fight. They were considered breeders and domestic laborers. They were always treated as the lesser gender of society, not as equals. A small group of women got fed up with such treatment and formed an underground rebellion. As the rebellion numbers grew in size, they eventually had enough forces to claim their place of power in society. Their Amazon-like society was born.

General Physical Appearance
Common amongst the species is they're near human with hair in various shades of green. They all have striking green glowing eyes. Most have an athletic build. Their skin is naturally more rough to the touch. It looks and feels a little bit like the rough texture of dirt.

Due to their closeness with the planet, Veavine have evolved to live up to 200 years. Once they reach late teens, they start to age twice as slow as the normal human.

General Personality Traits
They're generally friendly towards women, but they tend to ignore the males unless interaction is necessary. They value women more than men.

They are always ruled by a Queen. At the time of old age, around 170 years old, her power is handed off to her oldest legitimate daughter. The Queen can be overthrown by their heiress or another female member of the tribe.

Law and Order
The offender is brought to their Queen and she decides what their fate is. Males tend to receive harsher punishments than the females.

They have an Amazon-like society. Women reign supreme. Men are seen as breeders and generally helps the society run smoothly. However they are not given many rights and are heavily discriminated against. Marriage to a man is forbidden. The only reason for them to have a romantic relationship with a man is to procreate.
Most Veavine want to protect all nature on the planet (it's in their DNA ;) ). They only take what they need from their rainforest home in an effort to preserve their beautiful beloved world.
They build their buildings and walkways in and around huge Turven trees (almost like a vertical city). Turven trees are massive jungle trees located in rainforests on Zuria. One Turven tree trunk is the size of two real-life Sequoia tree trunks.

Long Distance Travel
They travel by horse or by small boat.

From a young age, female Veavine are taught to control earth through training. They also learn to scout, forage, hunt, and learn combat skills. Males are taught only the basics to survive and the various skills to help their society run smoothly. Males are forbidden to learn and use their elemental abilities.

They believe in their Warrior Goddess and hold rituals and pray in her name. They believe their Veavine abilities is a blessing from their Goddess. They celebrate female birthdays and have a yearly holiday celebrating their Goddess. They also believe that animals are a gift from their Goddess and they should be treated with respect.

Relationship Between Other Species
Friendly: Zimian
Neutral: Ocilea, Humans, Strunae, Noczurine, Quedine, Khalian
Enemies: Zulpal, Shakpir

General Information
Veavine are one of the 4 elemental species of Zuria.
Veavine live deep in the hot and muggy rainforests.
Veavine blood is poisonous to the other species.
Veavine have evolved to be very in tune with Zuria.
Most Veavine can use earth magic with ease. Other species of Zuria have a very difficult time learning it (they are only able to learn basic earth magic) or can't learn it at all.
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Re: Playable Species

Unread post by Phoenix_Flaming_Star »

Zulpal (Zool-pall)
*Note* Some information was inspired by and used with permission from a friend of mine.

Species Origin
Centuries ago, there was a group of humans that lived for war and dominance. They wanted to rule over Zuria. They raided and conquered many villages and towns, taking up the Phoenix as their symbol. The mythical Phoenix saw their behavior and was very displeased with them. The flaming winged creature cursed these people for bringing despair and destruction to Zuria. The Phoenix engulfed them in it's flames. The humans were then reborn from their own ashes, forever transformed into the Zulpal we know today. They may have the power of the flame, but they are cursed with an ambition that can never be satiated. (Most have a deep ambition to rule over the entire planet of Zuria but they will never achieve it.)

General Physical Appearance
Near human with very lightly tinted skin in shades of red or orange. Barely noticeable. They have red glowing eyes. They have claws. When they start to get mad, their body gives off heat. As their anger grows, flames start to appear on their body (even the hair on their head turns to fire). If they reach their boiling point, the flames on their body turn blue. (They can't control this, it's just what their body does.)

Of the four elemental species, the Zulpal live the longest, at 300 years.

General Personality Traits
Can be temperamental. Most are ambitious. They can form friendships, but it's rare.

They are ruled by one Emperor or Empress (not both). That person is usually the most powerful within the Zulpal species.

Law and Order
They very rarely take prisoners. Punishment is often brutal and painful (physically and/or emotionally).

They believe only the strongest survive, conflict helps you grow, controlling and using your emotions to achieve power. They strive to have power over all others in the world. They are often very manipulative.

Long Distance Travel
They use their Centaur war-horses. If they have to go to another continent, they either use small wyverns (not powerful enough to take out a village) or if they are able to use magic (not all can), they can create a fire portal.

Learns to control fire through training.

Some see the Phoenix's curse as a blessing, so they worship it, being known as the Ashen.

Relationship Between Other Species
Friendly: Zimian
Enemies: Veavine, Ocilea, Humans, Strunae, Noczurine, Quedine, Khalian, Shakpir

General Information
Zulpal are one of the 4 elemental species of Zuria.
They live in extremely hot places, like at the foot of a volcano.
Fire and lava doesn't hurt them at all. They can literally swim in lava (some may even enjoy it) and can sit quite comfortably in the flames of a lit fireplace. However, water can make them incapable of using their fire abilities for a while. They hate getting wet!
Most Zulpal can use fire magic with ease. Other species of Zuria have a very difficult time learning it (they are only able to learn basic fire magic) or can't learn it at all.
Their society was inspired by the Sith from Star Wars (No copyright infringement is intended. Zuria is intended to be a completely different and separate universe from Star Wars.)
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