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Site Admin
Posts: 44
Joined: Fri Nov 15, 2024 11:33 pm
Character Species: Human
Character Age: 40
Character Career: Not a character!
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Unread post by Phoenix_Flaming_Star »

These rules apply everywhere across the forum, including PM's, signatures, avatars, profiles, usernames, and the chatbox (when we get one).
These rules will be updated as needed.

Upon creating your account with us, you agree to abide by the following rules:
  1. You are legally an adult. (18+) Yes, we are a PG-13 forum, I just don't want minors here.
  2. No Godmodding. Your character is not a god. Don't play them that way. We expect you to play them in a realistic way within the world of Zuria.
  3. No real life religion or politics. None of that here.
  4. No spam/sh*t posting of any kind.
  5. No sexual/suggestive content of any kind. We are a PG-13 forum. This includes your avatars.
  6. No illegal content of any kind here. This includes copyright infringement.
  7. No harassment of any kind. This includes homophobia, transphobia, discrimination, disability, racial, sexual, mental, etc...
  8. Keep your real life drama off the forum! There's no place for that here. This is not Facebook, X, etc...
  9. Treat all members with respect at all times. This includes the mods and admin. We do not tolerate general rudeness or demanding behavior.
  10. No advertising anywhere on this forum. This includes advertising your social media. This is not the place for that.
  11. No using characters from other forms of media. Your character must be original and fit within the world of Zuria. No Spiderman, Harry Potter, Luke Skywalker, Gandalf the Grey, etc...
  12. No playing minors. Your character must be 18 years or older. "They look/act young for their age." or any other forms of that (even roleplaying that way) doesn't fly here. Don't do it.
  13. No hybrids allowed. Species DNA doesn't blend that way in Zuria.
  14. If your character has family, a romantic partner, or a companion that they interact with, they must be an NPC only played by you. No one else is allowed to play them. Romantic relationships between member played characters is not allowed.
  15. Keep in mind that your avatar is seen as a visual representation of your character.
  16. No posting links going to X/Twitter, Facebook, Meta, Instagram, and Threads. We will not associate with such sites.
If you experience someone breaking these rules, report it to an Admin or mod immediately so the situation can be taken care of as quickly as possible.
If you have questions, please ask. We're here to help!
Our rules: viewtopic.php?p=8#p8 Please report any rule breaking to Staff immediately.

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